Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weeeoooooo I'm turning ONE !!!

Peekaboo! It's my birthday on Tuesday and I'm beyond excited! I'm finally getting a real digit as an age! Mama said it doesn't allow me to do anything legally yet but that's ok, Dadda already gave me my first beer at 7 months. I have a couple of new tricks to add to my CV this week, see the video below cos I can clap my hands! Oh Grandma, aren't you proud? Also, I know where my nose is, now Ma and Pa are trying to teach me where my ears are (don't tell them but I already know, I think they look so goofy trying to teach me)...

Playing 'Peekaboo' with Mama

Clapping my hands:

Also, tomorrow I have 'orientation' at the the childcare centre in Northcote. Check back to see my photos of my new hangout! Dadda is nervous for me being left at the childcare with strangers but that's just silly, I way rather be smiling at strangers than hanging at home!!

Check back soon for my birthday snaps!!!

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