Monday, February 21, 2011



Thank you for being so patient in waiting for my videos to be uploaded. Tonight mama found out how to download them all by herself, no help from Dadda. Mama's real proud.

So please click on the following Youtube videos one by one, they are in order so NO cheating (Aunty Beej).

There are new snaps to upload too, but I'm keeping them for next time. I don't want to be responsible for anyone getting Leorosis (too much Leo goodness).

Thanks for watching my vids. Be sure to comment on my adventures!

News from me: Ma and Pa took me to not one but three parties on Saturday, I had the bestest day ever. I love going to parties!

ALSO- Happy birthday to my mate Atti, he turned one on Friday!

Love Leo Samuel

Message to Aunty Andysan: Yes I do have a disney Mickey Mouse. We're not speaking right now though, he ate my cheese sandwich and did wees on my foot. I think he's evil.


  1. Leo-kun, I am so impressed! Apparently I was a slow developer when it came to walking (maybe why I'm such a slow runner these days). You're my hero. Love Aunty AJ

    PS: Mickey would never do anything evil - ask Uncy Hank.

  2. Hey Leo, such good walking and you're not pidgeon-toed!
    Kia Kaha - stand tall. Love you lots and miss you heaps.
    Love K
