Monday, February 21, 2011



Thank you for being so patient in waiting for my videos to be uploaded. Tonight mama found out how to download them all by herself, no help from Dadda. Mama's real proud.

So please click on the following Youtube videos one by one, they are in order so NO cheating (Aunty Beej).

There are new snaps to upload too, but I'm keeping them for next time. I don't want to be responsible for anyone getting Leorosis (too much Leo goodness).

Thanks for watching my vids. Be sure to comment on my adventures!

News from me: Ma and Pa took me to not one but three parties on Saturday, I had the bestest day ever. I love going to parties!

ALSO- Happy birthday to my mate Atti, he turned one on Friday!

Love Leo Samuel

Message to Aunty Andysan: Yes I do have a disney Mickey Mouse. We're not speaking right now though, he ate my cheese sandwich and did wees on my foot. I think he's evil.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


As most of you know I am officially now a walking boy! As of Friday 5th February 2011 - only 10 months old! Dadda starting walking when he was only 9 months old... I could have started walking when I was 8 months but I didn't want to take the limelight from poor Dadda. It's his proudest moment and he's never been advanced since!

Unfortunately though we still haven't managed to get the footage off the camera to show you. Dadda has been hard at work every night so he hasn't had time. Tomorrow night he said he will work it out though, so please check back tonight!

Just to keep you in suspense I have uploaded some unseen photos for you to see!

No other news to share with you... Mama is still working at Homegreen so I'm with Grandma two days a week and Anna as well. Grandma took me to the the pub all day Wednesday while she played on the pokies. Naughty Grandma. Ha, just kidding, see you tomorrow G-Ma!

Love Leo J

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm getting a brand new COUSIN!!!

Hey Everyone!

As you all know my Aunty Andy is pregnant with a brand new cousin for me to play with. I guess I am allowed to announce it on my blog now that she is 12 weeks. Congratulations Aunty Andy and Uncy Hank. I CAN'T wait!! I think you should definitely find out the sex too, its still a surprise after all!

Also, it was Muzza's birthday on the 16th of January so a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOU Muzzwicky. Sorry I couldn't be there to play with you, but next year we will be!

Mama is awfully busy at the moment working at Dadda's work since his admin girl quit. So I am getting shared around on a daily basis. I've been going into work with Mama this week and being put into jail in Dadda's office. It's actually a playpen but I don't know whats fun about it. I am stuck in a 2m by 2m square with wooden bars. I'm gonna be a good boy when I grow up so I don't have to go back. I don't know what I did wrong to go to jail now, but I sure am being good to try and get parole.

So here are the photos of my adventures lately... we went to the Australian Open last week...

On Sunday I took my VERY FIRST STEPS all by myself... 6 in total and I'm standing up without the aid of furniture. I'm not trying to walk too much but I'm getting there, I'll be running after Mama in no time!

PS. I have a few videos to upload but I can't get them off the camera, I'll get Dadda to figure it out and upload them soon.

Sorry for these snaps being a bit fuzzy. The camera was on the wrong setting.

Out the front of home with Dadda.

On Josh's balcony in the nuddy.

Josh giving me some beer, just kidding!

With my cuzzies. One more to come!!!

Pretending to sleep in the car. I'm actually awake, I just can't be bothered pretending to like that stupid peekaboo game Mama thinks is so funny.

Me and Uncy Zoon Zoon

My friend Mr ANZ and me at the tennis. Only 25% Interest, bargain.

Tennis day fun!

The gang at the tennis