Monday, October 18, 2010

Can't stop Crawling!

Hey Aunty BJ, Uncy Hunts, Aunty Andy, Uncy Hank, Nanny K, Muzza, Grandma and Grandpa!
Well my crawling has gone from somewhat novice to Super PRO! I am now crawling all through the house, from room to room, down the hall and up again! I love getting around and annoying Mama by pulling everything I can get my hands on.
I've also started putting one paw up like a dog, this means I want up. I want up all the time but then I'm so wrigley I don't like to sit still. I can't make up my mind!
I'm sorry to say that the SUCKY camera Dadda borrowed doesn't even have a movie function, as you will see from the new pics its a pretty sucky camera. We'll get a new camera soon so you can see how I get around the house (and up to High Street when Mums not looking!)

So here are a couple of new shots, enjoy!

It was a very wet weekend here in Melbourne. Mama and I went for a walk so I wore my gumboots!

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