Sunday, September 19, 2010

On your marks...

I see on my blog roll I have 3 NEW followers!
Welcome Aunty Suzie, Uncy Hank and Grandma! Your Leo Fan Club packs will be mailed shortly.

In the last two days I have had a major development - I am on all fours! I'm not crawling yet, I just dig my little legs into the ground and wonder why I don't get anywhere. But all I have to do if move my hands, won't be long!

I was in Lorne this weekend without the camera so I don't have any footage but I'll post some tomorrow. Till then here are some iphone photos...



  1. That's awesome Leo-kun! You will be running around and wrecking havoc in no time.

  2. Slack Soup - update blog, update blog!!!

  3. Where for art thou Leo?... I am not getting my daily fix. Yo Mumma is being very slack,... grrrrrr

  4. Aunty Beeg is right - what's with the no news Soup? We want to see what Leo is up to with Nanny Kaye over there!!!
