Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jolly Jumper

Look what Dadda bought me this weekend everyone, a Jolly Jumper!

Here's a video of my first time on it today. I lasted 40 minutes before I got too tired.

Other highlights from the weekend: I got a bath seat so I can sit all by myself in the bath. And... I got a new car seat. About time too, I was squished in like a banana in the baby capsule. I'm a big boy now so I get to sit!

Dadda has had the flu for the last 4 days so we he's been staying away from me. I can't wait till he gets better so we can play fun'n games like the old days.

[Once again the video will not upload please follow the link below to see me on YouTube]

1 comment:

  1. Hey Leo - good on your Dad for buying you a bouncer - your Mum loved hers when she was your age and you love being on your feet so much. Have Fun. Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy!!!! You are so cute.
