Sunday, August 29, 2010

First AFL Game

Hurro friends and family,
Well this week has been action packed... on Thursday I went to Grandma and Grandpa's for fun'n games while the folks went to the movies. I had a great time, it was great to catch up with my Great Grandma Nornie too, she told me I was her favourite Grandchild, hehehe.

Yesterday I went to my very first AFL game. I am a "Baby Magpie" - member of the Collingwood Football Club. Thanks to Grandma who joined me when I was weeks old. Ma and Pa took me to watch the game against Hawthorn, which happens to be Grandpa's team. Despite C'Wood being top of the ladder we lost in the final minutes. It was a very close game but after Grandma telling me how great Collingwood are I was disappointed to be supporting the losing team. I hope you didn't give my a bum steer G'Ma, the Hawthorn babies were spitting their dummies at me after the game. Lucky the All Blacks are winners so I can keep my black and white gear to watch them!!

Well here are some pics from the game, enjoy.

Till next time.

Leo S Johnson

Outside the MCG very excited !!!

Watching the game from the stands with the old man, no time to look at the camera (we're winning at this point)

Watching the boys in black and white

Half time drinks in the bar (had only a pint or two)

With Mama

Side profile

After the game in the Members pub, may have had a few too many I can barely stand up here.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Here's a wee vid of me saying hello today.

Sorry about Mama's bad camera footage, she's no director thats fo sure.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Goodbye Little Reds

Today is a sad day in the Johnson Northcote household. I put on my vintage Levi overalls and so very sadly they no longer fit me anymore. Mama had to extend the straps as far as they will go so today will be the last day in my favourite red overalls. Oh how I loved them, the good times we shared. Here are some pics of our last day together. Goodbye little Reds, I'll miss you.

Also, in the last two days I have been ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN - ALL THE TIME. I think I finally have it mastered. Mama even caught me on camera today, not my best roll but a roll all the same.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I love FOOD!

I've been eating pureed food for almost a month now, damn its good to have something rather than just milk all the time. I've even taken a liking to Farex, as long as it's mixed with apple of course. I really do LOVE apple, YUM YUM YUM!
Here's a couple of pics of me having my dinner tonight, I sneezed while Mama was feeding me and it went all over her face, HA HA HA HA oh I thought it was so funny! I have to learn how to do that again.

Also, you'll be pleased to know that I slept till 6 am this morning, I woke up a few times but didn't make a peep, I don't want to have to sleep on the roof again. Shhh don't tell Mama.

Oh, and Mama has been trying to get a vid of me rolling over. But I don't do it very often so she can't snap me. Or giggling, I only giggle when I think somethings really funny, the funniest thing is when mama's trying to put the battery in the camera, once its in its not so funny anymore so I stop giggling. HA HA HA.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Hi Everybody!

I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog for a while, I have been trying every day to updload a 1 min vid of me going crazy on the Jolly Jumper but every time I try it keeps crashing. Argh.

So here is a little vid of me on You Tube (once again on the JJ) I'm addicted!

Not long to go till we head off to JAPAN!!! so super duper excited!

Also I have to "thank you" Grandma for all my new duds from LA - thanks G-Ma, you're all right!
I got plenty of books in the post from New Zealand too... thanks Nanny K, I read a book tonight about Dirtie Bertie (well Mama helped me). He's a crazy wee kid that Dirtie.

In other news I haven't been sleeping very well these last few nights and tiring my mama out. She told me if I wake her up tonight she's going to make me sleep on the roof. PLEASE BRING YOUR LADDER AROUND AND CHECK ON ME, Mama's a bit loopy... HELP ME!

Thanks for tuning in, see you next time... I'll be sure to make more updates this week.

PS. Can you believe I'm FIVE Months!? Mama says I have to start looking for a job.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jolly Jumper Overload!

I am loving my Jolly Jumper. I bounce up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down...
This morning I went on it for 40 minutes non stop jumping, then tonight I had another go for an hour! Then Dadda took me for a swing... watch the video if you like.
Till next time my blog watching friends.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jolly Jumper

Look what Dadda bought me this weekend everyone, a Jolly Jumper!

Here's a video of my first time on it today. I lasted 40 minutes before I got too tired.

Other highlights from the weekend: I got a bath seat so I can sit all by myself in the bath. And... I got a new car seat. About time too, I was squished in like a banana in the baby capsule. I'm a big boy now so I get to sit!

Dadda has had the flu for the last 4 days so we he's been staying away from me. I can't wait till he gets better so we can play fun'n games like the old days.

[Once again the video will not upload please follow the link below to see me on YouTube]

Friday, August 13, 2010


Have a great weekend everyone!

I'll be sure to make a post of my weekend adventures.

Love Leo J.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4 Months + 3 weeks

Hey Peeps!

Well another busy week back at the office. It's wet and cold in Melbournetown... How I wish I was back in Hawaii soaking up the sun.

No real highlights this week...

I am well and truely on the solids now, well a few spoons a day. And I have to say I wish Mama would stop trying to give me that damn Farex, it tastes like cardboard. I do however love apple and pumpkin, yum yum yum! I think when Mum and Dad have gone to bed tonight I'm going to chuck the Farex in the bin.

A big GET WELL SOON to my Uncy T Bone. He's in the hospital with appendicitis. I have a sneaky suspicion that Aunty Meg just punched him in the gut for being a no goodnik. Haha, go Aunty Meg!

I hope you're feeling better soon Tobias!

So here are a few snaps from the past couple of days... click back soon for more videos and snaps of me, Leo S Johnson.

Dadda singing to me on his new ukelele.

Please visit Youtube for my latest vid of me trying to crawl. I tried to upload it here but the blog kept crashing. Don't get too excited I'm not getting anywhere and I am getting more and more frustrated. Although this one time I got about 2 inches!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Look what I found today!

Hi everyone,

Just a quick wee note to tell you what I found today...

...oh they are so great, I can't leave them alone!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

4 Months + 2 weeks

Hi Everyone!
Thanks for the comments! I'm glad you like my Hawaii pics. I'm sad to be in Melbourne, hard back at work but someones gotta do it, can't survive on what the olds bring in!

Here's a couple of pics from my adventures at home today/yesterday.

Aunty Beej I'll post my new shorts photos tomorrow.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

ALOHA ! ! !

Aloha everyone! I am back from my balmy trip in HAWAII!!!
I had the best time ever. We stayed in Maui for a week and then back on the mainland in Waikiki. The weather was perfect, we basked on the beach, took in some sights, ate PLENTY of food (well I just watched) and I got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa all the time. We went to Babygap in Honolulu and Grandma bought me some cool duds to make the ladies swoon. Thanks for my new gear Grandma!

Here are the much anticipated snaps from our trip, I'll have to get mama to put hers up on Facebook, I don't want hers to be up here... it's my blog after all.

FIRSTS: (4 Months + 2 Weeks) The day after we got home I showed Mama my first ROLL OVER (from back to front). I'm sure she'll get it on video to show you all soon.

Also, Aunty Beej I checked the mail when I got home and I got a lovely package from you with some cool checked shorts, thank you! I love them, they are the coolest, I'm sorry I didn't get to wear them in Hawaii... but I wore my cheesecutter hat nearly every day. If you see one in a bigger size can you buy me another one? I have a big head 6 month size right now, so perhaps for 9-12 Month size?

At Melbourne Airport waiting for the plane

Out to dinner in Maui. Me and my Uncky Zoony

Taking a dip on the beautiful rainforest side of Maui.

With the Aussie Johnsons (& Mama)

My first swim in the beach. I wasn't allowed to go too deep, I wanted to but Dadda was scared.

Swimming in the pool at The Grand Wailea Hotel.

On the beach with Mama

This is where I stayed in Maui, at the Grand Wailea. I let my entourage stay here too (Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, Mum etc...)

Honolulu Beach, argh wish I was back there now... it's 8ÂșC in Melbourne today.

View from my Hotel room in Honolulu... unfortunately Mama and Dadda stayed in my room, they cramped my style a bit, next time I think I'm going to get my own room... no offence folks.

At the airport with Grandma

Sitting on my 2 year old cuz Luke. He was eating his dinner so he was not too impressed. Right here I'm farting on his leg.

I got my own lounger on the beach in Honolulu. Mama wanted to share but I was like "ah no Mama, I'm a big boy I want my own"

Posing on the plane back to Melbourne.

Me with my goofy whanau... what do they say - you can't choose your family!?!

I'll be updating the blog much more often now that I'm home again, so stay tuned! And in less than ONE month I'm off to JAPAN !!! Konichiwa Aunty Andysan here I come!