Sunday, July 4, 2010

NZ - Day 2

Kia Ora Bro! I'm liking Aotearoa heaps eh. It's sweet as.
Tomorrow our travelling begins so I probably wont have time to update my blog. I thought I better let you know where we're heading in case Nanny K drives us off the road and into a canyon... you know where to send the search party. Tomorrow I'm going on the ferry for my very first time. We arrive in Picton at 4 pm and will stay there for the night. Then off down the South Island to DUNEDIN. I'll try to update my blog in a couple of days with pics from our travels. Till then, here's a pic of me in the bath tonight, sorry mum forgot the camera today.
BYE EVERYONE !! Big shout out to my Dadda... "hi Dadda, I miss you!"

1 comment:

  1. Great posts Leo,.. loving all the photos!! You should go and visit your mate Jack in Picton,... introduce him to little Leo.

    Don't forget to keep up the photos please
