Monday, July 19, 2010

3 Months + 4 Weeks

Thursday is a BIG day for me. Not only am I going to Hawaii, I also am turning 4 MONTHS OLD! Can you believe it, I'm such a big boy now! I have my nurses appointment tomorrow, so I'll let you know how I'm measuring up.

Here are a few pics from today, as you can see Mama has been using me as a barbie doll again, trying on different outfits. Nanny K, I think this is your fault for not buying Mama a barbie when she was little!

I fit my cheesecutter hat Aunty Beej! Look how super styling I am! It's for a SIX month old size... I must have your big head too.

Go the ALL BLACKS. I'm so upset I'm going to miss the test at the MCG while we're gone that I had my own All Black parade today!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

3 Months + 3 Weeks

Go ahhh raaaa habe waaa yooo raaaa ne yaaobe.
TRANSLATION: Thanks Nanny K and Big Muzz for having me in Kiwiland!
I had such a great time, it was nice to see a land of such good looking specimens that don't speak funny like they do over here. I can't wait to see you at Christmas! Nanny K please send mama the rest of the NZ pics so I can put them on the blog for all to see.
It's been hectic since being back, so much going on! This weekend I went to Lorne with the big fella and Mama bear. Mum and I played fun games trying to get me to roll over while the old man went for a surf... though I saw him down at the pub downing beers, playing pokies. Best not tell mama.
Here are a few pics from Lorne and a couple of fuzzy snaps from today of me and my mate Harry.

I'm off to HAWAII on Thursday! YEEEHAAAA!!!

Dadda and Me @ Babalu in Lorne

Ahh, he still looks hungry, HELP ME!

These PJ's are care of my Aunty Beej & Uncy Hunts. Thanks!


Monday, July 12, 2010


To all Leo Blog Followers... We are staying another night in Wellington with Nanny K and Poppa Muzz. We were booked to come back to Melbourne today but on the way to the airport Qantas rang to say that the flight had been over booked and they had transferred us to go via an Auckland stopover but Business Class. Mama didn't want to be transferred onto another flight cos she doesn't want me to go on two planes. So she went to the airport to demand I stay on the original flight that we paid extra to be on direct. The lady at the airport told her that not only did we have a stopover in Auckland, but it was for FIVE hours! There's no way I'm going to have Pants off Time and Bath Time in Auckland. So we are now booked to come back tomorrow, same time. Poor Dadda has to wait one more day to see us. Dadda you might have some competition, Mama's been flirting with Mr Blobby like crazy.

Me and my friend Mr Blobby. Nanny K knitted him for me.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

NZ Photos!

Hello Everyone!
I have SO much news to tell you about my week and a half in Kiwiland. I have had MANY firsts this week:

3 Months + 2 Weeks FIRSTS:
  1. First time I have sat all by myself - for minutes at a time! (see photos)
  2. First time I have held my bottle by myself, it doesn't last long but I am getting better.
  3. First time I have grabbed an object by myself (on purpose) - a spoon to be precise, thanks Aunty Marie Anne for my new spoon!
  4. And I have started rubbing my eyes when I am feeling sleepy, and boy do I look cute!

Can you believe all this has happened in ONE week!? It must be my Kiwi genes sky rocketing!

Here are the much promised photos from our trip, they aren't in order but I have written a description underneath.

Can't wait to see my Melbourne whanau in a few days. Kia Kaha!

This is Mama and me boating out to the Sounds - First small boat ride!

Sitting, one of the many times... a bit ape like but I'm still sitting!!!

First time sitting!!!

Me and my Great Grandad James Robertson

Me and my crazy GREAT uncle Stew (note the All Blacks flag, he wont talk to me if I support the Aussies!)

Me and Mama in Timaru - the home of Phar Lap - a Kiwi icon (along with Pavlova, Crowded House, Lamingtons etc...)

Mama and me with our Kiwi flags, Nanny K bought Mama a big one and me a mini one, thanks Nanny K!

On the streets of Christchurch

On the ferry on the way to Picton, I was such a good boy. Just sat there watching the other kids play, I'll be a big boy running around with the other kids soon.

Bath time! Nanny K put too much soap in and gave me a Mohawk.

Us before we depart, look at all the luggage!

In the Sounds, was such a beautiful day.

View from the jetty

Sitting on the jetty

Me, Mama & Nanny K in Ruakaka Bay.

Mama and me walking up the track (I'm taking a break here...)

Mama and me on the balcony in Picton

Nanny K, Papa Muzz and ME at the Cafe in Picton.

View of the entrance to the Sounds from Picton

Sunny Picton

Kiakoura Ranges

Me and my Great Grandad Johnson

Me and my Great Grandma Johnson

Me meeting the Alpacas at Marie Anne & Stewarts, I thought they were very funny!

Sitting again, see it wasn't a one off!

Me and my new (2nd) Cousin Sophia Rose

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Hey Leo Blog Followers!
Sorry it's been so long since my last update... I've been busy travelling down the South Island of New Zealand. Tonight I am in Picton again and tomorrow we are boating out to the place in the Sounds... I'm going out on Uncy Hunts' folks boat - The Cougar Line cos I don't have a life jacket to go on the small boat. I'll be back in Wellington Tomorrow night with plenty of photos of my travels so dont forget to check back tomorrow night. Mama, Nanny K and me have had the BESTEST time! Also a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Grandpa, sorry I'm going to miss your dinner Grandpa I hope you have a swell time. Love Leo

Sunday, July 4, 2010

NZ - Day 2

Kia Ora Bro! I'm liking Aotearoa heaps eh. It's sweet as.
Tomorrow our travelling begins so I probably wont have time to update my blog. I thought I better let you know where we're heading in case Nanny K drives us off the road and into a canyon... you know where to send the search party. Tomorrow I'm going on the ferry for my very first time. We arrive in Picton at 4 pm and will stay there for the night. Then off down the South Island to DUNEDIN. I'll try to update my blog in a couple of days with pics from our travels. Till then, here's a pic of me in the bath tonight, sorry mum forgot the camera today.
BYE EVERYONE !! Big shout out to my Dadda... "hi Dadda, I miss you!"

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hello to all my fans! I know you have been holding out for me to write my first update of my overseas travels...
Well... I'm in NEW ZEALAND!! - thats where half of me comes from you see - the sleeping, eating well, giggling, smiling fun times Leo. Of course the crying, grumpy, fussy eating and unco side of me comes from my Dadda - Australia! haha
Well I'll tell you all about my first plane ride. We got to the airport just in time, even though we left early the traffic was TERRIBLE. Mama fed me when the plane was taking off so my little ears wouldn't hurt, it worked a treat because then I went straight to sleep in my little bassinet for the whole flight. Mama was stoked cos another baby was crying the whole way and I was a good boy. Everyone commented on how good (and cute) I was. So on the way down I was still fast asleep (dreaming about milkshakes, mmm milk, thick chocolatey milk mmmm). But when I woke up on the ground my little ears hurt real bad and I cried for an hour (the Aussi in me), I finally settled down to have a feed and felt much better. Mama said sorry, she's gonna wake me next time to feed me on the way down too. I forgave her and now we're friends again.
So today I slept in till 9.30 am and then we went out for Lunch with JJ & Paula & Uncy Rog. Everyone decided that I am indeed the cutest bestest baby going around (their words, not mine).

So here are a few pics from my travels, I'll keep you updated while we drive down to mama's home town Dunedin & up to the chilly mountains. Haere ra everyone, love to all my Melbourne Whanau, don't miss me too much. Love Leo (mama says "hi" too!)
Here's me at home, chillin before we go to the airport.
Mama and me at the airport.

Dad and me saying our goodbyes at the airport (aww Dadda, you look sad).

Mama saying her goodbyes to Jimmy!

Out to lunch with the Kiwi's (thats me at the end sleeping)

On the streets of Wellingtron

I get bathed in a storage box here too (do they know who I am? I'm famous in Melbourne...)

Ahhh, bath time

All tuckered out, fast asleep with Big Papa Muzz.