Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hi friends and family,

Dadda, Mama and I are up in Queensland and will be back on Monday. I must be pretty big up here too cos I've seen the paparazzi following me everywhere. So there are plenty of photos to upload on Monday.

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY to my Aunty Beej!!!
I haven't seen you since I was 2 weeks old but hopefully I'll be seeing you soon. I sure do miss the good times we had!

Love Leo J

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's ok, I'm alive!

Hi everyone! I bet you all missed me so, I've missed all your comments! Mama's computer has broken down with a lot of photos and videos of me on it... hence the lack of blog posts. The computer is still in the shop but I'll post my videos soon... I have plenty of new TRICKS to show you!

Well well well, I've been up to so much since my birthday. For Easter Mama, Dadda and me went down to Lorne with all the Aussie Johnsons. I had loads of fun with Grandma and Grandpa but my cuz Luke doesn't like me much yet. I think it's cos I told him that he's adopted.

So last week I had my 12 month weigh in with the nurse. The results are: 85% for height and a measly 55% for weight! So I'm not the strapping young lad I used to be... already Calvin Klein has rang up and told me to step up my game or I'm off the books. So I've been eating my protein bars all week.

I'm still loving daycare. It's great to be away from Mama for a couple of days a week... we were driving each other crazy there for a bit!

Here are some snaps of my adventures since my birthday. I've got a few videos to upload but like I said, they won't be up for a week or so.

Teeth update: I'm getting two newbies! The two next to my big bunny chompers on the top. Maybe they will even them out so everyone stops saying "Why what big teeth you have!"

ALSO>> The latest update on baby Munro>>> Anna still has the bubba in her belly. She is booked in to be induced on Saturday, TWO weeks over her due date! So fingers crossed bubba comes out on his own. It's pretty cold this week in Melby though, Mama's womb sounds pretty cosy.

Till next time blogsters. Leo S J

Don't forget it's Mothers Day on Sunday. Dadda said he is going to lend me some money to buy Mama the biggest bestest present in the Big Man!?

Check out my backpack. Playing with Mama and Anna amongst a sea of toys=best!

Sitting in the bucket on a hot day!

Sitting with my friends at daycare

Drummer boy! (video to come)

Babycino's with Grandma in Lorne

Grandpa with Luke... he won't look mama in the eye cos she has devil in her.

Mama put a nappy on my head!