Tuesday, June 29, 2010

3 Months + 1 Week

Here's a vid of me today trying to crawl, how frustrating... wont be long...


Dear Aunty Andy & Uncky Hank,
I got a parcel in the post addressed to LEO SAMUEL JOHNSON (that's me!)
Thank you for my converse shoes, they are exactly the same as the big fella's. I can't wait till I can fit them, they're the coolest. And thanks for my pants and soft toy. I am so spoiled.
Also... Uncky Hank why are you not following me yet??
Can't wait to see you in JAPAN.

Monday, June 28, 2010

3 Months + 1 Week

Kia Ora everyone!

What an eventful weekend I have had... On Saturday Ma & Pa had a BBQ and I was passed around everyone commenting on how cute I am (it's true, I am!) Then Grandma came to pick me up and I stayed at their house all night, then we went out to breakfast on Sunday. I had the best time, apart from when they slept me on the roof... brrr! - ha, just kidding...
Thanks for having me Grandma and Grandpa!
This week I am going to my second home across the ditch, New Zealand. I'll be flying into Wellington to stay with Muzza & Nanny K. Then we're driving down to visit my whanau in the the South. I'm super excited to show everyone how big I am getting. Have a great week everyone I'll have more updates during the week!
Wuv Leo

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hey Everyone!
Today I turned 3 months old, woohooo!! Not long till I can crawl!
Here are a few birthday snaps and a vid from me today. Also, BIG NEWS to report: me and mama are going to JAPAN to visit Andysan and Uncy Hank! I'm so excited today I wet my pants!
The big man is getting the back yard paved this week. I'm trying to convince him to concrete a pipe in the middle of the paving so I can stick a padder tennis pole in and play padder tennis FUN. Dad says its a bad idea though, I think its just cos he's unco... lucky I got mums genes!
Bye everyone ... GO THE ALL WHITES... YEEEHAAAAH!!!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Currently Lusting...

Hello Everyone! I thought I would use my blog to tell you all the things that I love right now... along with bath time, warm milk and cuddles here are a few things that I also think are swell:

CONCORD FOLDABLE HIGHCHAIR. How great is this Highchair? I can eat my lunch and then tuck my chair away so it's not in the way.

NUZZLES: Look at these name words! So Cool - it's priced per letter, and cos my name is only three letters I'm hoping pa will buy my name for Christmas... Big Jim? Pwease, I'll be a good boy!

RUG: My rug right now is pretty cool, but maybe this could be my next rug when I am a big boy in a single bed... I've already gone from a bassinet to a cot, not long till I go into a bed? Best go drink some more milk...

SWINGZ.COM.AU Have made these cool swings for kids like me! I can't sit up yet but when I can I want it to be in this. They make hammocks or grownups too.

What do you all think? Seen anything else that I might like? I like to keep on top of the trends, let me know!

Friday, June 18, 2010

2 Months + 3 weeks

Hello Leo Blog Followers! YAY tomorrow is the weekend, it's been a hectic week at work looking after Mama, she's a piece of work... I don't know how you did it Nanny K.
Highlights from the week:
1. My new shoes (see fluffy boots in pic - from Mothercare on sale $12 - bargain!! Thanks Mama!)
2. My new tee (see pic - thanks Grandma)
3. Pooing through my nappy in the supermarket on mama, haha good times.
No plans for the weekend, just a bit of Ridin in the Bugaboo and out to brunch. Here's a few pics from this week. Have a GREAT weekend everyone!

Thanks Grandma for my cool new tee!

Here's a vid of me today, I was a happy boy all day but mama has decided to add this video of me grumpy cos I wanted some milk... hmmmm milk... meeadoow freeeeshh....

FIRSTS: 2 Months + 3 weeks: Leo gets his nails clipped!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2 Months + 3 weeks

Hello to all my fans (Bug, Andy, Hank, Hunts, Big Muzz, Nanny K).
Yesterday I had mothers group and met up with all the other bubs from the Cote. Tonight we went to dinner at Uncle Zoona's house. I slept like a champ through all of the chaos.

Here's a little vid of me talking to mama today. Thanks for all the comments I love them!
To answer your comments: Bug, I am waiting on my head to get big enough for the cheesecutter hat, it's the coolest hat I own but I will not fit it for a few months.
Nanny K: Dad does glue my feet to the ground, and sticks magnets in my shoes and pulls me along to make me walk.
Andysan: I don't know if I will be able to beat your talking at what was it, 2 weeks? HA!
BigMuzz: Where's my comments?
Uncy Hank & Uncy Hunts: Why are you not following me?

Over and out. Love Leo Johnson, the coolest Johnson kid since 1983.

Monday, June 14, 2010

2 Months + 3 weeks

Hey everyone, back from my long weekend in Lorne... was rainy and cold all weekend so spent most of the time inside by the fire drinking warm milk and playing games with Mama while the big man caught some waves. Back at work tomorrow... boohoo.
I'm a big boy!

Reading my book.

Chillin on the couch with mama

They bathe me in a storage box, outrageous!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My New Trick

2 Months + 3 weeks

Hey Peeps! As I said before, I'm in Lorne this weekend... been pretty chilly, I've woken up freezing in the middle of the night, if ma and pa thought they were chilly in bed how do they think I feel? Brrrr. Here's a few pics from today, also have a video of me standing on the couch all by myself, will upload it soon.

Sitting by myself! Dad's just there for moral support.

Standing with Mama.

Doing burnouts with the big fella.

Two wheels

Me sleeping in my Bugaboo before Dad started doing tricks.

Walking with my uncles down the streets of Lorne.

Friday, June 11, 2010

2 Months + 2 weeks VIDEO

Hey everyone. Here is a new video of me on my tum yesterday. Enjoy!

2 Months + 2 weeks

New pics for my fans - I'm nearly 12 weeks...
Been a hectic week, haven't been drinking enough at night so have been waking mum up in the middle of the night for more milk, haha. In Lorne this weekend for the long weekend. Think I'll go out for a walk to the beach today, more pics to follow. If the surfs good I might catch a wave.

Check out my new Aussie passport, Kiwi one is yet to come.

Pooed through my nappy at lunch so had midday nude time!

Me and my ma on Dads birthday.

Having fun on me tum.

Spat the dummy.

Lounging around in my trackies.

2 Months +

Me with the big fella.

Bath time, ahhh love it.

Big blue eyes

Look a bit like Shiloh here, don't ya think?

Standing all by myself (10 weeks)... I need the couch for balance but I think that's pretty good.

My new Rolling Stones onesie, thanks Auntie Beej and Uncy Hunts, I LOVE it!

Check out those thigh muscles, I'm an All Black in the making...

Must have had added a bit much chocolate to my milk this day, my face looks a little plump.

Standing on the ground, with the help of that big hand.

My new boots, thanks Grandpa!

Kangaroo pose

Dad trying to eat me, last night mum caught him putting mustard on me.

The next Derek Zoolander... just working on my pose.

Side profile tummy time

I don't think mum was taking my crying all too seriously. I hate it when she mocks me.

FIRSTS: 10 weeks, 6 days - My first giggle!!!