Monday, December 20, 2010

Ho ho ho


It's Christmas this week, I'm about to meet SANTA! I hope he likes me, I've been such a good boy.
Sorry about the lack of photos, most the photos below are care of Aunty Anna and Uncy Josh, my new surrogate parents. They are about to have a new baby boy of their own for me to play with.
I'll be sure to Skype with all the Kiwi's come Christmas Day. I can't wait for next week, we are flying to New Zealand to visit Poppa Muzz and Nanny K. Boy am I excited!

Also... check out my new front teeth! I got them about a week ago and I think my bottom two are about to make an appearance too.

Happy Christmas shopping everyone and I'll see you all soon!

Love LJ

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blog Update!!!

Hey Ya'll (I'm all American like cos Oprah is in town)
Well last week Mama, Dadda and me went to the GOLD COAST baby yeeah! Thanks to Grandma who won the tickets. We got free tickets to go to all of the theme parks but as I can't go on any rides we only went to Seaworld and Waterworld. Ma and Pa took turns on the rides, I supervised.

Well we had the bestest time. I got really brown too, Dadda is well jealous of my olive skin. Unfortunately until we get a new camera there will be limited photos... We are currently camera-less. But don't worry, Mama entered a competition to win a kick-ass camera soon!!!

Christmas is coming up soon. Santa is coming to visit me for the first time. I have been such a good boy I really hope I get a big tub of mashed apple, and maybe a newspaper to eat.

Enjoy the photos famdamily. Love you long times.

Watching the dolphins at Sea World


Flying Dolphins!!

Out to breaky with Mama

I hold my own bottle now.

Paparazzi shot

Photo back home of me stuck under the stool. I was crying cos I couldn't get out, Mama thought it was funny and pulled out the camera which made me happy again!

What I want to be when I grow up: professional swinging boy

Check out my tan!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy 8th Month Birthday to MEEEEEE!

Hey Leo Blog Followers.

As requested by Aunty BJ I have got myself out of bed to update my blog tonight. Shhhh don't tell Mama she's fast asleep.

New first today: I took a few steps all by myself with a little help from my wooden trolley. Only about 6 or 7 but with no help from Mama I think that's pretty good! I'll get a copy of me doing it from the paparazzi that hover over me where ever I go.
I'm still walking around the furniture tearing everything in my path down. It's good times to see Mama come after me and pick it all up again.

It's been super hot in Melbourne, too hot for me to go outside... the deck is far too hot for my little fingers and toes. Maybe I'll ask Santa for a little paddling pool for Christmas.

Tomorrow I'm taking Ma and Pa to the GOLD COAST! Yep that's right, another holiday! It's 'Schoolies' week up there at the moment, so I'm taking these two Toolies I live with to party up with the 18 year olds. I'll take plenty of snaps to share with you. We have free tickets to the theme parks too! Thanks to my Grandma for winning the tickets, your all right by me Grandma!

So that's all from Team Melbourne. My Uncy Hunts in London has grown a big fat MO for MOvember. So if any of you want to donate to him please click HERE it's for a worthy cause after all. I would donate to you myself Uncy Hunts but I get paid bugger all for looking after Mama all day. It's a hard job, she stresses me out so much I wake up screaming in the night some times. Why'd you have to pass her onto me Nanny K?!

Till next time,

Love LJ

Check out my new head bumper! Dadda got it for me online cos I keep falling on the hard wood floors - ouch! Expect to see Shiloh, Levi, Sparrow & Mason wearing them soon... (I'm sure Aunty Beej only knows who these kids are)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Mama and I went to the park today to have fun in the sun.

Here are a couple of videos for you to enjoy!

My little leggys are getting very brown, Mama puts sunblock on them every day, I just have olive skin. I hope it stays that way cos Dadda goes red like a tomato in the sun!

Only 6 weeks till Santa comes, I've never met him before, I'm well excited!!!

Love LJ

Look at me SWING!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hey Everyone,
Well well well what a busy week I've had. It has been sunny sunny in Melbourne so I have been racing around the deck causing havoc. Mama even lets me crawl around nakey with my doodle hanging out! Oh the fun! Tomorrow I'm with Grandma all day, she best whip me up some treats or I won't be happy, you hear that Grandma!?
No firsts this week... I am saying "DADA" now, but Ma and Pa aren't convinced I know what it means so haven't counted it as a word. So unfair Nanny K, tell them to stop being so harsh on me! Finally the blog site is letting me upload videos so here are a few from today.
LOTS OF LOVE >>> LE-O (thats what they call me in the hood)